Lohan) a young fan he meets outside the Dakota -- to his argument with paparazzi photographer Paul (Judah Friedlander), Leto's Chapman keeps the psychoses bubbling below the surface as his grasp on reality deteriorates into a completely misguided rage. So don't miss to switch on your television screen as Chapter 27 makes its premiere on Indian screen only on Star Movies. Watch Jared Leto at his best in Chapter 27. Catch it on Friday, November 14th, at 10.55pm, exclusively on Star Movies.
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Interview of Lindsay Lohan

Researching Her Role in Chapter 27: Chapter 27 follows the last few days in the life of Mark David Chapman, the man who murdered music legend John Lennon. Lohan says to prepare for the role she spoke to Lennon’s widow, Yoko Ono. “I actually sat down with Yoko Ono a few times to talk to her about it. It’s a very touchy subject, and no one wanted me to do the movie that works with me just because John Lennon is a legend – was - God rest his soul. I was actually really nervous going into it because I did get death threats and everything. But the director I believe in, and he’s a good friend of mine.
I saw half of the movie, no music or anything. I’ve never seen a movie like that, while he was editing it, and it really made me nervous. But I love my character in the movie. She’s just such a genuine fan of John Lennon and Yoko Ono in the film, and she’s the light in the movie. She is like the Hitchcock blonde, but I’m not blonde in it. She reminds me of that."
Lohan added, "Jarrett Schaeffer is a great director and he’s doing a great job with it. Jared Leto did a great job. It was interesting to me and I wanted to get the okay from Yoko and Sean.”
Lindsay Lohan Shares Her Impression of Yoko Ono: “I nearly died. I walked in; we were wearing almost the same thing. I swear to God. We’re both wearing all black because I was like I need to wear something that Yoko would sanction. We went and had sushi and she was so sweet and just amazing in the things that she had to say. …I just think the things that she’s done are wonderful and John Lennon’s music is very inspirational, as was hers. The Ballad of John and Yoko is like my favorite song.”
Interview with Jared Leto on Chapter 27

How was the whole experience of acting in Chapter 27?
Jared Leto (JM): This was the most intense experience of my entire life.
It requires a total immersion that was almost religious. I gained 70 pounds for the part, used make up to make my face all puffy and really lived in that guy's skin 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I couldn't just leave him behind at the end of the day....he stayed with me and even invaded my dreams.
I'm sure that many will just notice your weight gain, but I was impressed by the actual voice that you found for the character. That Southern accent seemed to indicate a young man who was genteel and polite, but also held back his emotions.
JL: I'm so glad you noticed the voice. I really worked hard on that. I viewed television interviews and tried to get it right. But more than just imitation, I wanted the voice to show that this young man was, in many ways, very polite, educated and gentle. It made the contrast with his inner demons all the more dramatic.
You could have simply worn a "fat suit" to give the character his chunky feeling. Why did you decide to go whole hog (so to speak) and actually gain the weight and flab?
JL: I really wanted to inhabit this guy's skin, and that affected the way I stood, walked and moved. I wanted to make it clear that this was someone who felt very isolated from people, who shyed away from human contact. Also, being overweight, I felt the rejection and mockery of people who didn't know that I was just playing a part. Their response to me as an overweight and unattractive guy, just made me realize how isolated he felt, how unloved and how untouched by human beings. I kind of turned into a sculpture.
The film follows the last 72 hours of Chapman's time in New York before he shot John Lennon. How did it feel to shoot in all the places where Chapman actually lived and to film in front of the Dakota, the building where the killing actually took place?
JL: It felt strange. It made it so real for me. I only hope that our shooting in front of the very building where this tragedy took place did not upset anyone, especially Yoko Ono or her son Sean Lennon. That would make me very uncomfortable if our presence made their pain even more difficult to bear.
How did you eventually move on from this character after filming was done?
JL: Once the film finished shooting, I immediately starting fasting to get back to my original weight (which I have successfully done). As I started shedding the pounds and the body weight, I felt the weight of the character also fall away from me. It took me several weeks, and now I can barely recognize myself when I see a photo from the film shoot. But I haven't had the courage to see the actual film, and don't think I will.
The real Mark David Chapman is still in prison and has been recommended for release due to his prison record. What is your opinion about whether he should ever be released, or whether his crime was so great and the loss to the world so enormous, that he should never be allowed to be on the streets again?
JL: Well, I am not on the parole board so this is just my private opinion. I think that Mark David Chapman is seriously disturbed and he is also an excellent liar. He needed to be in order to get people to trust him. So, for the sake of Yoko Ono and her son Sean Lennon, I don't think that he should ever be released. It would just be too uncertain for them that his obsession would harm them further. I think that as free citizens we have the right to feel safe on our streets....and I think the world is a lot safer with Mark David Chapman behind bars.
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