Pradeep Rawat of 'Ghajni' fame was among the early birds for the evening and arrived exactly at 8 pm, in keeping with his penchant for punctuality. Nitin Keni, producer of "Gaddar" made a rare appearance for the launch of "OOPS", an entertainment and lifestyle magazine which had Kareena Kapoor on its cover for the inaugural issue.
Shri Nawab Mallik, honorable cabinet minister, Goverment of Maharashtra , Varsha Usgaonkar, Sanjeev Kapoor did the honor for 'OOPS' by formally unveiling it on stage at the BJN Banquets in Andheri. Jyothi Venkatesh, Consulting Editor for 'OOPS' was ecstatic and fondly recollected his first meeting as a journalist with Randhir Kapoor and Dharmendra. Rajeev Singh, Editor and Publisher of ' OOPS' expressed his confidence that the magazine would carve a niche for itself in the near future. The programme was anchored by Viveck Shettyy.
Sandhya Shetty, model and actress, was accompanied by Kaushik Shrimanker. Abhishek Awasthi came in early and stayed on to watch the stage proceedings. Charan Sharma and Vinod Sharma were a happy twosome right throught the evening. Bobby Darling was heard expressing her desire to be featured on the cover. Ashish Shelar and Sooraj Thappar came in early and also made an early exit. Viren Shah was his usual cheerful self and was thorougly enjoying himself. Joy Sengupta and Madhusudan Kumar were seen exchanging notes on the 'OOPS' factor. Musician Somesh Kumar was accompanied by actress and producer Pooja Kumar from
As the evening concluded , the ' OOPS' factor had hit everybody loud and clear and well what else could we say but simply , OOPS!!!!
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