Tuesday, October 13, 2009
''मैं शास्त्रीय ही गाना चाहती थी'' - लता मंगेशकर

''हम तीनो की तिकड़ी फिर से रंग जमाएगी'' --- डेविड धवन

किस तरह की फिल्म है ''डू नॉट डिस्टर्ब''?
-यह फिल्म मेरे ही स्टाइल की है जिसमें रोमांस व हास्य है और इसमें ऐसा हास्य है जिसे देख कर दर्शक बहुत ही हँसेगें। वाशु भगनानी की इस फिल्म में गोविंदा भी है हम तीनो ने एक साथ इस फिल्म से पहले फिल्म '' छोटे मियां बड़े मियां '' में काम किया था। आप सभी जानते हैं कि कितनी हिट हुई थी वो फिल्म. मुझे लगता है कि हम तीनो की तिकड़ी फिर से रंग जमायेगी.
इस फिल्म के बारें में बात करें या आपकी पुरानी फिल्मों की, आपने अधिकतर हास्य फिल्में ही बनायी हैं क्या कोई खास वजह है इसकी?
-वजह यही है की मुझे ऐसी ही फिल्में बनाना पसंद है, इसके अलावा दर्शको को भी अधिकतर हास्य फिल्में पसंद आती हैं। जिन्दगी में वैसे भी कम दुख दर्द हैं जो परदे पर भी दर्शक यहीं सब देखें. वैसे मैं आपको बता दूं कि मैंने ''स्वर्ग'' जैसी भावुक फिल्म भी बनाई है.
आपकी इस फिल्म में तो सारे कलाकार ऐसें हैं जिनके साथ आप पहले भी काम कर चुके हैं?
-हाँ गोविंदा का और मेरा तो बहुत ही पुराना साथ है इसके अलावा सुष्मिता व लारा के साथ भी मैंने पहले भी काम किया है बस रितेश ही नये हैं जिनके साथ इस फिल्म में काम किया है।
रितेश के बारें में बताइए?
-बहुत ही होनहार कलाकार है रितेश, अच्छा काम किया है फिल्म में उन्होंने।
सुष्मिता और लारा में कौन बेहतर अभिनेत्री है?
-दोनों ही अच्छी हैं और दोनों ही हास्य भूमिकायें कितनी स्वाभाविकता से निभा रही हैं आप सभी जानतें हैं, लारा ने अपने आपको बहुत ही इम्पूर्व किया है। सुष्मिता भी बहुत शानदार काम करती है लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि उसे अभी तक अच्छी भूमिका मिली ही नहीं है.
आपकी इस फिल्म में ''बेबो'' नाम का गाना भी है क्या कोई ख़ास वजह इसकी?
वैसे भी यह नाम तो करीना कपूर का है?
-जब आप फिल्म देखेगें तब आपको पता चल जाएगा। जहाँ तक नाम की बात है तो पंजाब में प्यार से बेटियों को ''बेबो'' बुलाते हैं। यह नाम किसी का भी हो सकता है.
फिल्म ''पार्टनर'' का सीक्वल कब तक बनेगा?
-अभी तो उसमें समय लगने वाला है क्योंकि सलमान के पास वक्त की कमी है।
आपकी आने वाली फिल्में कौन सी हैं?
-टॉम एंड जेरी के अलावा हुक या क्रुक ये दो फिल्में आने वाली हैं.
''मैं ही हूँ गोविंदा की डॉली'' --- लारा दत्ता

फिल्म ''डू नॉट डिस्टर्ब'' के बारें में बताइए,
आपकी क्या भूमिका है? -मैं डॉली नाम की लड़की बनी हूँ जोकि एक शादीशुदा व्यक्ति से प्यार करती है, अपने प्यार को छुपाने के चक्कर में कुछ ऐसी घटनाएं घटतीं हैं जिनसे हास्य पैदा होता है। निर्माता वाशु भगनानी की इस फिल्म के निर्देशक हैं डेविड धवन, जिनके साथ मैंने ''पार्टनर'' में काम किया था, गोविंदा, रितेश देशमुख व सुष्मिता सेन हैं मेरे साथ इस फिल्म में.
क्या आप ही हैं गोविंदा की डॉली, जिनके बारें में आज कल बहुत चर्चा हो रही है?
-जी हाँ मैं ही हूँ उनकी डॉली, जिस तरह से चीची डॉली डॉली बुलातें हैं सभी को अच्छा लगता है।
इस फिल्म में आपने सुष्मिता सेन के साथ काम किया है कैसा रहा उनके साथ काम करना?
-अच्छा रहा, लेकिन उनके साथ बहुत ही कम द्रश्य मिलें हैं मुझे करने के लिये। सुष्मिता के साथ मेरी काम करने की तमन्ना पूरी हो गयी क्योंकि वो मुझे बहुत ही पसंद हैं।
दो यूनिवर्स हैं फिल्म में एक साथ, सुना है कि सेट पर आप दोनों के बीच कुछ प्रोब्लम भी हो गयी थी?
-जिस फिल्म में दो हीरोइने हों क्या वहां जरूरी है कुछ प्रोब्लम होती ही है। ऐसा कुछ भी नहीं हुआ मेरे और उनके बीच। बहुत ही अच्छा रहा शूट पर.
गोविंदा के साथ तो आपने पहले भी काम किया है इस फिल्म में बताइए कैसा रहा?
-मजा आया, पहले मैंने उनके साथ काम किया है भागम भाग व पार्टनर में, लेकिन इस फिल्म में मुझे ज्यादा मौका मिला है साथ में काम करने का। इस फिल्म के बाद रवि चोपड़ा की ''बन्दा ये बिंदास है'' नाम की फिल्म भी आ रही है इसमें भी मेरे साथ गोविंदा हैं. गोविंदा को तो ''किंग ऑफ़ कॉमेडी'' कहा जाता है
तो ऐसे में आपको कोई मुश्किल तो नहीं आयी काम करते हुए?
-जब गोविंदा और डेविड साथ में हों तो हास्य खुद बा खुद पैदा हो जाता है। मैंने भी इन दोनों के साथ कदम से कदम मिलाने की कोशिश की है.
आपकी अधिकतर फिल्में हास्य ही क्यों आ रही हैं?
-क्योंकि मुझे ऐसी ही फिल्में मिल रही हैं और मैं भी पूरा आनंद ले रही हूँ हास्य फिल्मों का, मेरे हिसाब से गंभीर अभिनय से ज्यादा हास्य अभिनय करना मुश्किल है। मुझे डेविड धवन। प्रियदर्शन व साजिद खान के साथ काम करना बेहद पसंद है.
''ब्लू '' फिल्म मे संजय दत्त के साथ आपने पहली ही बार काम किया है कैसा रहा उनके साथ काम करना? -
यह फिल्म बहुत ही अलग तरह की है, इसमें मैंने एक्शन द्रश्य भी किये हैं. संजू के साथ भी बहुत ही अच्छा रहा. पानी में भी हमने शूट किया है. दर्शको को पसंद आएगी यह फिल्म.
८० ग्लोरियस ईयर ऑफ़ लता मंगेशकर

"सामने गोविंदा हो तो आपका अभिनय खुद बा खुद बेहतर हो जाता है'' -- सुष्मिता सेन

काफी लम्बे अरसे बाद आपकी यह फिल्म आयी हैं?
-- हाँ लेकिन अब दर्शको को एक के बाद एक मेरी कई फिल्में देखने को मिलेगीं, जिनमें सबसे पहले मैं बात करूगीं फिल्म ''डू नॉट डिस्टर्ब'' की। निर्देशक डेविड धवन की यह हास्य फिल्म है इसमें मेरे हीरो हैं गोविंदा,जिनके साथ मैं पहले भी काम कर चुकी हूँ। काफी पसंद की थी दर्शको ने हमारी जोड़ी। और अब इस फिल्म में भी हमारी जोड़ी उन्हें पसंद आएगी ऐसी मेरी उम्मीद है. निर्माता वाशु जी व निर्देशक डेविड के साथ भी मैं पहले काम कर चुकी हूँ.
गोविंदा के साथ आपने पहले भी काम किया है फिर दोबारा कैसा रहा उनके साथ काम करना?
-- बहुत ही अच्छा, जब आपके सामने ची ची हो तो आपका अभिनय अपने आप बेहतर हो जाता है और उस पर डेविड फिल्म का निर्देशन कर रहें हो तो फिर क्या कहने, इन दोनों की कैमिस्ट्री देखते ही बनती है।
इस फिल्म में लारा भी हैं सुनने में आया है आप दोनों के बीच कुछ इगो प्रोब्लम हो गयी थी?
--अच्छा क्या सच में? मुझे तो नहीं पता। आप लोग ही यह सब करते रहते हैं कब किसकी दोस्ती करवानी है? कब किसकी लड़ाई? ऐसी कोई भी बात नहीं मेरे और लारा के बीच नहीं है .
गोविंदा और आपके बीच भी कुछ प्रोब्लम चल रही थी?
--अगर मेरे और गोविंदा कुछ भी प्रोब्लम होती तो मैं यह फिल्म करती ही नहीं।
आपने कहा कि आपकी कई फिल्में आने वाली हैं बताईये, कुछ उनके बारें में?
--सबसे पहले तो यही आ रही है '' डू नॉट डिस्टर्ब'' फिर इसके बाद आएगी ''दूल्हा मिल गया'' जिसे अभिनेता अनुज सक्सेना की प्रोडक्शन कम्पनी ''मेवरिक'' प्रेजेंट कर रही है इस फिल्म में मेरे साथ शाहरुख़ खान व फ़रदीन खान हैं। फिर इसके बाद ''नॉ प्रोब्लम'' और ''तीन पत्ती'' आयेगीं. मेरी ये सभी फिल्में हास्य फिल्में हैं लेकिन सभी में मैंने अलग अलग तरह की भूमिकाएं की हैं.
आपके प्रोडक्शन की फिल्म ''रानी लक्ष्मी बाई'' का क्या हुआ?
--अभी फिलहाल तो काम रुका हुआ है मै अभी कुछ कह नहीं सकती इसके बारे में।
और ''बेनजीर भुट्टो''के बारें में क्या कहना है?
--यह बेनजीर भुट्टो के जीवन पर बन रही है इसलिए थोड़ी विवादास्पद फिल्म है, और इसे बनाते समय ''पाकिस्तान पीपुल पार्टी'' की सहमति की जरुरत भी है। हमारी तैयारी पूरी है. मैं ही बेनजीर का किरदार कर रही हूँ. इसकी शूटिंग दुबई , यू एस व ब्रिटेन में होगी.
--मीनाक्षी शर्मा
''मुझे पूरा यकीन है कि फिल्म ''डू नॉट डिस्टर्ब'' भी हिट होगी'' – गोविंदा

''एनर्जी के लिए स्वीट''

''चतुर्वेदी दरोगा की प्रभावशाली भूमिका है मेरी'' -- ओम पुरी

''बाबर'' में एक बार फिर पुलिस के दरोगा बने है क्या कोई ख़ास वजह इसकी?
ख़ास वजह तो यही है कि मैं फिर से पुलिस वाला बना हूँ फिल्म ''बाबर में, पता नहीं अभी कितनी बार और बनूंगा।
अर्धसत्य से लेकर अब तक आप अनेको बार पुलिस वाले की भूमिका कर चुके हैं कैसा रहा अब तक का सफ़र?
-फिल्म ''अर्धसत्य'' से शुरू हुआ पुलिस की भूमिका का यह सफ़र बहुत ही अच्छा रहा। मैंने अच्छे व बुरे दोनों ही तरह के पुलिस ऑफिसर की भूमिका की है. ''अर्धसत्य'' में मैं ईमानदार पुलिस ऑफिसर बना था जबकि इस फिल्म ''बाबर'' में भ्रष्ट दरोगा बना हूँ, जो कि अपराधी की मदद करता है उसके साथ बैठ कर चाय पिता है. बाद में उसे अपने रास्ते से हटाने से भी झिझकता नहीं हैं. मजा आया चतुर्वेदी के चरित्र को अभिनीत करके. वास्तव में ऐसे दरोगा होते हैं.
फिल्म ''बाबर'' की कहानी बताइए?
-यह कहानी है एक ऐसे लड़के बाबर की, जो कि १२ साल की छोटी सी उम्र में हत्या कर देता है और अपराध के इस सफर मे चलते हुए वो माफिया बन जाता है।
इस फिल्म में आपके साथ मिथुन दा भी है, कैसा रहा उनके साथ काम करके?
आपकी कौन कौन सी फिल्में आने वाली हैं?
-''लन्दन ड्रीम्स'' ,''रोड टू संगम'', ''वांटेड'' व इस प्यार को क्या नाम दूं'' मेरी आने वाली फिल्में हैं।
आपको राष्ट्रीय पुरुस्कार, फिल्मफेयर, पदमश्री व लाइफ टाइम अचीवमेंट आदि अनेको अवार्ड मिल चुके हैं अब क्या चाहते है?
-अभी बहुत सारे अवार्ड बचे हैं जैसे जैसे मिलेगें तब मैं उसके में बात करूगां, अभी नहीं.
''कहीं आपका नाम डॉली तो नहीं''

मेरी और बोबी की जोड़ी अच्छी लगी है--- कंगना

Saturday, May 2, 2009
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About Artist Pranay Katke

Born on 1st June 1976 in the Maharastrian family of the Katke’s. Exposed to Art and Architecture as a child by his uncle. Pranay won his 1st Painting competition at the age of 6. His art skills were soon exposed to his art teachers in school and later in college who promoted him to take part in interschool and intercollegiate art competitions. After Secondary Education in 1994 he was enrolled in Rachana Sansad, school of art by his family. Though he was studying Interior design, under one roof he was exposed to Architecture, Advertising and Fine Art. He spent most of his time in the library understanding different forms, philosophies of design. He found inspiration from these books and the works of great masters like Salvador Dali, Picasso, Rembrant, Renoir, Frank L Wright, Larry Baker, Eisher and more. He was one of the bright students
in developing fresh concepts and mastered the freehand perspective technique. Which gave him freedom to sketch his thoughts without being hassled of technical equipment.
He practiced architecture and interiors working with his Architect uncle handling some respectable projects. In the 3rd yr while helping some of his advertising friends, his passion for photography evolved. He soon joined photographer Atul Kasbekar and entered the world of sets, lights and the big world of advertising and fashion. After 7 months he returned back to finish his basic studies in commericial arts at Rachana Sansad. He then joined ace photographer Ashok Salian. His creative talents were not hidden from his guru too, he got to travel with Ashok and got exposed to the diversity of our country (India) and its people. After 2 yrs he joined an advertising agency as a Sr. Visualiser and grew on to be an Art Director.
Moving from a single frame to animation, theatre and film-making his creative journey has enriched him as a complete artist playing different roles as a writer, photographer, light and sound designer, art director, actor, director, film-maker and fine artist. Having worked with artists from all over the country and international groups he found a universal and the most basic human language of speech which he adapted with his own sensibility in his creative work. In 2003 he wrote and directed his 1st theatrical creation based on universal values and inspired from a painting by Edward Degas, a 2 act play ‘ The Wedding Photographer. ‘
2005 Pranay wrote his short film script ‘Maya’ which he planned to direct but then took a break as he suffered with health problems. But, he continued his photography in the mean while which did not require too much of physical energy. Everything happens for a reason, in January 2006 his work titled ‘Where is My Street’ found its place amongst 150 top fine artists of India. Adding economics to his art, Pranay soon made news and today he is one of the most highly rated fine art photographers in India. Currently working on creating his own individul style as an artist.
Amitabh Bachchan - The 10th Brand Ambassador of IIFA Awards

10th IIFA WEEKEND and IDEA IIFA AWARDS 2009, P/C in Mumbai
IIFA Brand Ambassador actor Amitabh Bachchan, announced in Mumbai at Press Conference held at Hotel Grand Hyatt, on 28th April, 2009, that the 10th IIFA WEEKEND and IDEA IIFA AWARDS 2009, will be held at The Venetian Macao in China from 11th – 13th June
A film buff - Madhur Bhandarkar

A film buff since the time he was a teenager, Madhur Bhandarkar started as a Video Librarian in Mumbai. His passion for cinema took him to ace director Ram Gopal verma whom he assisted for 5 years. In these 5 years he learned the ropes of direction and went ahead to direct his first Hindi film 'Trishakti"- a run of the mill Bollywood masala flick, which earned him a lot of respect and recognition from all quarters of the film fraternity as a film maker.
Success came in the year 2001 when he directed one of the most hard hitting films based on the dance bar culture in India aptly titled "Chandni Bar". This film brought was lauded by critics and went on to create box office records. This film brought to the fore Madhur's versatility as a film maker and technician. The government of India recognized his efforts by conferring upon him the National Award for his Film" Traffic Signal".
Obsessed by his inherent zeal to make socially relevant films he went on to make more realistic films like Satta, Page 3, Corporate, traffic Signal and the recent Blockbuster hit Fashion.
Pooja Chopra crowned Pantaloons Femina Miss India World.

Q) What was reactions of other finalists when you won the title?
A) Pooja says, " all of us worked very hard for this but when I won they were also happy for me because they are good friends of mine and they thought the competition was fair.
Q) How important do you think time management is ?
A) Time is like grain of sand, once it slipped from your hand it never comes back. I think managing time organizes you mind and creates a path to achieve success in her words.
"Taj Tareef Award " for Legendary Javed Akhtar

Taj Enlighten Film Society to felicitate the legendary Javed Akhtar With ‘Taj Tareef Award’
Brooke Bond Taj Mahal, India’s premium tea brand in association with Enlighten Film Society, today conducted a workshop on the art of scriptwriting with India’s legendary lyricist and writer Javed Akhtar. Javed Akhtar, respectfully referred to as Javed Saab needs no introduction as he has won the hearts of many connoisseurs of movies with his soul stirring poetry, catchy lyrics and unforgettable screen plays. It’s his undeniable genius that made him a unanimous choice for the ‘Taj Enlighten Tareef Award’
The workshop that took place at Red Lounge, Cinemax Versova concluded with a personal tête-à-tête between Javed Saab and the audience, where he shared his experiences and insights on Indian Cinema, screenplay and his journey so far. After which Javed Saab was felicitated with the ‘Taj Enlighten Tareef Award’ by Anjum Rajabali (of Pukar and Legend of Bhagat Singh fame) and Vikram Grover, Category Head – Beverages, Hindustan Unilever Limited.
As a brand, Brooke Bond Taj Mahal has always been associated with people who demonstrate excellence in their craft, whatever it may be - a value that the brand embodies in all that it does. With Taj Enlighten Awards, Taj Mahal endeavors to bring alive the brand belief of ‘Tareef to hogi hi’ by acknowledging the efforts made by Javed Akhtar towards the changing face of Indian Cinema.
Javed Akhtar is known for distinct cinema and his work has been appreciated many a times with awards like national awards, filmfare for movies like Lagaan, Border and Jodha Akbar. He has also been awarded with Padma Shri by the Government of India in 1999 and received the Padma Bhushan in 2007.
Speaking on the occasion Javed Akhtar said, “I am truly delighted by the initiatives undertaken by the Taj Enlighten Film Society. They are not only appreciative about good cinema but also take the efforts of revive the magic of world cinema and allow its audience to experience it. The society’s concerted effort to hone skills of budding scriptwriters is commendable.”
Commenting about Taj Mahal’s association with the Enlighten Film Society and its initiative, Vikram Grover, Vice President – Beverages, Hindustan Unilever Limited said, “Javed Saab’s work stands for romance, intellect and aesthetics. His versatility as a lyricist, screenplay writer and poet has won him various awards and accolades but more importantly the hearts of millions. We at Taj Enlighten Society offer a platform to recognise excellence in the world of cinema.”
He further added, “Over the years, Brooke Bond Taj Mahal has always provided its consumers a reason to get acknowledged for their distinctive achievements in keeping with our tradition, we consider ourselves privileged to present the ‘Taj Tareef Award’.”
The Taj Enlighten Film Society showcases highly acclaimed world cinema to its audiences on Sundays at Cinemax and Big cinema that promise to give its audiences the best experiences.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Alina Galushka --A Ukrainian by origin.

A Ukrainian by origin and a daughter of Businessman father and Doctor mother, Alina Galushka started modelling at the age of 17 with the passion of making it big, not in her own home town but around the globe. This lissome lass is driven by the desire to translate dreams into reality, that is why when she heard that India's much acclaimed for new faces, she took no time in taking the first filght to come all the way to Delhi for auditions and the result is that she has already walked for the best known designers with many knocking at her door. The oriental looks combined with the effevscent personality quickly captapurted her into elite world of beauties.
Linen v/s Denim.

India is a country where winter is actually not considered as a season. The trend is going simple,light and green in summer season which lasts for 9-10 months. In this scenario chice of fabric has a great importance to bring trends. Denims are comfortable and been there for over 100 yrs where as linens are upcoming and apt for summers.
New launch by Abu and Sandeep

Abu and Sandeep launched a new diffusion line on 29th April at their Bandra store. The due has been retailing from standalone store at Kemps Corner and their new flagship store comes a breath of fresh air.
Fashinistars in Mumbai have again got an exotic collection by Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla in the city. Some of the special clients visited the store at the launch. Jaya Bachanji visited the store to pick up few nice embroidered kurtas.
Firoz Khan - A Versatile person
fullest, carried macho image, many people called him Clint Eastwood of
east. Breathed last on 27th April at his farmhouse near
Banglore in the age of 68.
He is survived by designer wife Sundari, actor son Fardeen Khan and
daughter Laila.His son married Natasha Madhwani, the daughter of his
occasional on-screen lover Mumtaz. His daughter Laila is married to
Indian tennis player Rohit Rajpal.
He came from Banglore to Mumbai in fifties with star in his eyes to
become a star. Starting was very modest. In 1962 got break as hero
with small budget film Reporter Raju.First hit was Oonche Log
in 1965. But it took him long to be a A Grade star only in 1970 with
Aadmi aur Insan as well as Safar.
He acted in many movies but is known for the stylised thrillers that
he himself directed like Apradh, Dharmantma, Qurbani and Janbaaz.
He had undergone through a lean period in his life after mid
eighties.resurfaced again with his successful movie janasheen in the
year 2003. the last hit was Welcome, he played as don in this movie.
This year Stardust magazine awarded him life time achievement award,
which he could not receive as he was fighting his battle with cancer.
Flambuyont life style, his love for horses, dogs as well as his human
beahviour with those who came in his contact, are some of the points
which will long remembered apart from his acting and direction.
An Appeal for Investors for these projects.
Hi! I am Simi VanScoy, an actress/writer from Virginia. I have worked on several local Independent productions and am currently working on two STRONG projects of my own. I currently have two completed, registered, feature length screenplays.
A Romantic Comedy - "Love and Alysha"
A dark psychological thriller - "Control"
Please scroll down to read the synopsis of both screenplays.
NOTE: A famous Hollywood actress, her agent has shown strong interest for the lead role in 'Control'. (Email me and I can give you more details)
ALYSHA, an Indian American in her late 20's is a single mom. About 7 years ago, she went home to her old fashioned Indian parents to break the news to them that she was pregnant. Little did she know, that on that same day, they were arranging her marriage. The marriage, for obvious reasons, never happened.
It's been 7 years and Alysha hasn't spoken to her parents. She really hasn't done much of anything except for take care of her adorable 7 years old son, RICK. Luckily though, she has had some good luck with making some great friends. BRIAN, her best friend, is always there for her and has an extremely good relationship with her son. KAREN, ADITI, and MARIA, Alysha's close girlfriends, have definitely helped her keep up with happy times. There is just one thing lacking in her life – a boyfriend.
All of Alysha’s girlfriends make a plan to help get Alysha back into the dating world. They set up an online profile for her which strikes many responses. Alysha goes on blind date, after blind date, after blind date but doesn't have any luck. The whole dating scene gets very exhausting after a while and Alysha is just about to give up, when she runs into JAY - a rich, sophisticated, and extremely handsome Indian American.
Alysha almost immediately falls in love with Jay. Although everyone else around her realizes it, she doesn't even notice that her best friend Brian is jealous of this new man in her life. She also doesn't immediately realize what she has gotten herself into. Soon enough, she is torn between the happy life she has been living, and the cultural life she left behind years ago. And then...
SAMANTHA, a young, independent, Caucasian female who works at a car dealership, keeps trying to kill herself. After the second time she tries to commit suicide, she is diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and is forced to deal with the issues that are making her suicidal and angry. Up until now, a normal day for Samantha is one in which she goes to work, sells a car, and imagines herself physically abusing almost every customer she comes in contact with. However, with the help of DR. PETERSON, her overly aggressive shrink who does not take shit from anyone, Samantha is able to come to the root of her problems- guilt from the past. A couple of years ago, Samantha slept with her sister Laura's fiance on their wedding day. Throughout the film, she begins to get better as she reaches out to her sister for forgiveness.
DAN, a young and successful advertising executive has problems of his own. First, it was his porn addiction that he had to hide from his fiance LAURA that made him paranoid. But unable to control his sexual urges, he decides to get some live action rather than just watching naked girls over the internet. He kidnaps a young and beautiful JESSICA and hides her in his cellar so he can make his own porn videos. Almost immediately, his mental condition causes him to grow more and more paranoid as he has to hide his little dirty secret from the rest of the world. With Laura's help however, he is able to deal with his paranoia for some time and he searches deep within himself to try and find a way to let his hostage go.
MARK, a young man who suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder also has issues of his own. He wakes up every morning to follow the same boring routines - go to the bathroom, make a sandwich, re-do the sandwich since the first one wasn't good enough, and then write a letter to the woman he loves. He never gets any response from the letters however and he doesn't understand why. People keep telling him that the love of his life is dead, but he refuses to accept this. Not knowing what else to do, he goes out every evening on a quest for love. None of the women he meets compare to the love of his life. None of them intrigue him. And then, one night, at the same restaurant he goes to everything evening, he runs into SAMANTHA......
All three of these individuals start to get better. S AND R PHARMECUTICALS seems to think they have something to do with it. A couple of months ago, they came up with a unique and unusual method of testing their medicine, ZORAC, on humans. With no regard for FDA guidelines, this company skips setting up a clinical study and ONLY testing on humans who have given them consent. Instead, they decide to secretly test on these three individuals and monitor the results from afar. Little do they know however, that someone in the company who does not agree with this secret method, turns against them.....
Sam's, Dan's, and Mark's progress seems to be slowing down once they are given the Zorac pills. Will someone from the company come to their rescue, or will their lives be turned upside down all over again? Will Sam finally let her imagination become her reality and hurt someone? Will Dan go back to his cellar to rape his victim over and over again? Will Mark be forced to write more and more letters to the dead? Will these three individuals be able to control themselves? Or will the Zorac end up controlling them?
For more info on these=2 0scripts - email me at "simi0304@gmail.com"
I am looking for Investors for these projects -
also looking for qualified enthusiastic cast/crew members who can strongly contribute to these projects (ie. help raise funds).
Simi VanScoy
Add me on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/people/Simi-Van-Scoy/1175717008
Forbes annual results list are in...!
Now Hindi news from www.bbchindi.com

फ़्लू के कारण अर्थव्यवस्था के कई क्षेत्र रहेंगे बंद
स्वाइन फ़्लू को तेज़ी से फैलने से रोकने के लिए मेक्सिको की अर्थव्यवस्था में कुछ क्षेत्रों को आशिंक तौर पर बंद किया जाएगा.
फ़्लू के चलते वहाँ अब तक 160 लोगों के मारे जाने की आशंका है और 260 मामले सामने आ चुके हैं.
ग़ैर ज़रूरी सरकारी सेवाएँ को निलंबित किया जा रहा है जबकि सिनेमाघर और रेस्तरां भी बंद रहेंगे.
मेक्सिको के अधिकारियों के मुताबिक वाइरस अब उतनी तेज़ी से नहीं फैल रहा. लेकिन अंतरराष्ट्रीय विशेषज्ञ अभी सशंकित हैं. वैश्विक स्तर पर स्वाइन फ्लू के मामले तीन महाद्वीपों के 12 देशों में पाए जा चुके हैं. अमरीका में एक व्यक्ति की मौत भी हो चुकी है.
अर्थव्यवस्था पर असर
मेक्सिको में कुछ फ़ैक्टरियों में काम बंद कर दिया जाएगा. स्कूल पहले से ही बंद हैं. हालांकि कुछ लोगों का कहना है कि वे इन पाबंदियों के नहीं मानेंगे क्योंकि उनके रोज़गार पर असर पड़ेगा.
उधर भारत सरकार ने कहा है कि अभी तक देश के किसी हिस्से से स्वाइन फ़्लू का मामला सामने नहीं आया है.
शुक्रवार को ये ख़बर फैली थी कि हैदराबाद पहुँचा एक व्यक्ति कथित तौर पर इस बीमारी से पीड़ित है.
लेकिन केंद्रीय स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय के अधिकारी विनीत चौधरी ने पत्रकारों को बताया कि उस व्यक्ति की गहन जाँच कराई गई लेकिन परिणाम नकारात्मक रहा.
New models from Gladrags Modelling Agency.

Gladrags Media Ltd.,
C/o. Bombay Dyeing Admn. Office,
Pandurang Bhudkar Marg,
Mumbai - 400 025
+91 22 66628855
+91 22 66628877
About the Academy
Gladrags Academy
Gladrags has decided to set up an institute of management with the aim to generate knowledge in the Aviation, Modelling and Service and create professionally trained manpower to meet the ever increasing needs of the industry.
To be a Premium Training Centre, giving total knowledge and insight into the Modelling, Service and Aviation industry.
To train candidates with career specific knowledge that the industry now demands.
To develop and deliver training programmes of very high quality relevant to the needs of the industry.
To have a specialised and experienced faculty allowing the candidates to focus on the evolving needs of the industry
Why the Academy?
- The Service Sector all over the world is increasing in a rapid way.
- The growing demand for trained professionals is increasing.
- With tremendous advancement in modernization of the service sector, service personal need to be intelligent, educated and cope up with the latest technology.
- It is the service personal who are directly in contact with the clients, guests, passengers, thus there exists great responsibility to keep up the standard of service.
- Gladrags Academy will help individuals acquire skills like Handling Guests, Communication, Grooming, Etiquette, Mannerism, English Language etc.
- The intention of the Academy is to bring out the best in the candidates and add confidence to face the world in which ever career they may choose.
- To educate aspirants on what training to impart in the Modelling, Service and Aviation Industry.
- To help understand the various steps, departments involved in shaping a person.
Why GLADRAGS Academy?
- Brand new premises have been built to accommodate the growing demand for service related training.
- The academy is being designed to be a highly professional environment.
- To ensure every candidate gets full value for money.
- To guarantee the Highest Quality of Service.
Courses Offered
The Institute offers various courses to interested candidates.
- Modelling
- Grooming & Etiquette
- Cabin Crew
- Ground Staff Training
- Air Fares & E-Ticketing
Course - Modelling
- Ramp Walk and Posing
- Renowned professional and models with vast experience are regularly invited t share their experience with the students.
- They will be trained how to walk on ramp, pose on stage and all other finer details of ramp modelling.
- They will be trained on posing in front of the camera, how to use their profiles etc.
- On how to apply make-up and choose colours according to your skin type
- To educate the students on the steps involved in make-up application.
- The importance of make-up tools
- The use of the right foundation, blush, mascara etc.
Skin Care
- To educate the students on the various process of Skin Care
- Cleansing, Toning, Moisturising, Skin Maintenance etc..
- Pigmentation and Tanning
- Under eye dark circles
- Skin Care for Men
- Hair Maintenance
- Removal of unwanted Hair
- Well groomed hair
Course - Grooming & Etiquette
- On how to look your best at all times
- Fine Dining Etiquette
- Code of Conduct, Social Graces, Courtesy
- Table Manners
- Table Setting
Course Details
- Dress Code
- Every Day Etiquette
- Posture
- Communication
- Greetings
Course - Voice & Accent
- This involves Voice Modulation
- Pronunciations
- Public Speaking
- Announcement
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Saragama presents "kha" album

अन्ताक्षरी "ख"
संगीत - सारेगामा सीडी मूल्य- ७५रुपये
भारत की लोकप्रिय संगीत कंपनी सारेगामा ने अपने श्रोताओं के लिए अन्ताक्षरी "ख" शीर्षक से एक एल्बम रिलीज़ की है जिसमें ख अक्षर से शुरू होने वाले चालीस गीत हैं. ये सभी गीत सदाबहार लोकप्रिय गीत हैं जिन्हें श्रोता हमेशा सुनना पसंद करते हैं.
एल्बम का पहला गीत है- खयालो में किसी के, इस गीत के बाद खेलो रंग हमारे संग, ओ गाड़ी वाले, खाली डब्बा खाली बोतल, खोया खोया चाँद, खुदा निगेबान हो, खेलो न मेरे दिल से, खो गया है मेरा प्यार, खनके तो खनके, खुली पलक में, ख़त लिख दे, खुश रहो, खुदा हुज़ूर को, ख्वाब हो तुम, ख़ुशी की वो रात, खाई थी कसम, खिलौना जानकर, खाई है रे, खिलते हैं गुल यहाँ, खुश रहे तू सदा, खुल्लम खुल्ला, खातूबा, खाए के पान, खुशियाँ ही खुशियाँ, खुदा ही जुदा आदि अनेको मधुर गीत हैं.
ख अक्षर से शुरू होने वाले इन सभी गीतों को श्रोता अन्ताक्षरी खेलते समय प्रयोग में ला सकते हैं. संगीत कंपनी सारेगामा ने भी यही वजह ध्यान में रखकर इस mp3 को रिलीज़ किया है. सारेगामा द्वारा रिलीज़ की गयी इस एल्बम को श्रोता अवश्य पसंद करेंगे.
Saragama undertakes project for Deccan Chargers

Saregama undertakes project for Deccan Chargers
"This landmark project undertaken by Saregama India Limited for Deccan Chargers (owned by Deccan Chronicle) is a unique one. This is a first-of-its-kind association where a music label has created content for a team in IPL ’09 - one of the biggest events of the year.
The Deccan Chargers stand for aggression, power and dynamism and it is this sprit that their anthem tries to capture. Sung by Shaan in his power-packed voice, composed by Shamir Tandon with lyrics penned by Virag Mishra, the track is a spirited expression of what the team stands for. The anthem features in a specially compiled album titled ‘Rock with the Chargers’ alongwith other pulsating, popular dance numbers.
The album has been launched in the market and is available across major music stores in the country.
The album is available across major music retail stores in the country and is available for download as CRBTs (caller ring back tones) and ringtones on all telecom operators through WAP.
One can also watch and download the video promo of the track with the players in action, or simply download player pictures as wallpapers. The track is also made available to various radio partners for airplay during prime time.
This is a classic example of how two unique media interest groups can join hands in offering complete entertainment. Saregama has known to have pioneered several projects in the past and this initiative only shows their consistent approach to represent the youth and stay in-sync with music that is topical and contemporary."
Vidya Balan loves children

Vidya Balan loves children. A friend said, "Vidya feels that toddlers can really put a smile on your lips and brighten up your face." So when the actress got a chance to lend her voice to Karadi Tales, she immediately grabbed it. "Vidya has lent her voice to one of the Karadi tales. In fact Vidya along with Gulzar, will do the Karadi Tales reading 28th April in Mumbai," said the friend.
Shilpa's Rajasthan Royals has proved it once again that they are the champions.

Shilpa’s Rajasthan Royals has proved it once again that they are the champions. It needed brilliance with the bat from Graeme Smith and Yusuf Pathan for last years champions to come home. Yusuf’s magical bat was raining sixes when he top scored with 62 not out for Rajasthan Royals. Smith was supporting him on the other end he remained unbeaten on 44 not out.
Shilpa was short of words praising her team for the brilliance performance. Sources say that, “Shilpa whishes that this would be the moment which can turn their campaign like they did in last year”. Shilpa was one of the loudest in the audiences shouting and cheering her team
Next is Mehul Kumar's Krantiveer--2--Adity Singh Rajput.

He is the face of Dish TV with SRK, Coke with Aamir, Hero Honda with Hrithik, and the brand model for Closeup, Amul Kool café, BSNL, Nokia Ngage… the list goes on. And now, Aditya Singh Rajput, all of 22, has done the latest Vivel soap ad with Kareena. “We have shot differently,” he says honestly. “But the shots will come together in the commercial.” All the same, the young man is excited he worked with the best. “I have done over 100 commercials, but with every ad I do, I learn. And in this learning, lies the fun.”
Addy incidentally has also made his Bollywood debut with stellar roles in U Me Aur Hum and Maine Gandhi Ko Nahi Maara. “I am looking forward to a great career in Bollywood,” confesses the young man.
Next in his kitty is Mehul Kumar’s Krantiveer-2.
Masti, Maza and Music with" Maruti Mera Dosst"

The music release function of Maruti Mera Dosst took place at Cinemax, Andheri on April 28. The function was attended by Vinod Bhanushali of T-Series, producer Abhimanyu Singh, music director Kartik Shah, actors Sudhir Dalvi, Vindu Singh, Sushmita Mukherjee Bundela, Ausshima Sawhney, Manish Paul, Gul Hamid, Urvashi Yadav and child actors Erik and Ritika.
Maruti Mera Dosst, the audio right of which has been acquired by T Series, is all about good against evil, and how superhero Maruti (Lord Hanuman) fights the evil forces that are trying to harm his biggest fan and disciple Rameshwari, a very pretty and innocent eight year old girl.
Maruti Mera Dosst is an exceptionally entertaining film. Apart from the great starcast, the film is packed with action, adventure, state-of-the-art creature effects, animation and special effects.
Maruti Mera Dosst is produced by Contiloe Pictures Private Ltd starring Chandrachud Singh, Ritika Shrivastava, Erik A. Nanda, Sushmita Mukherji Bundela, Murli Sharma, Vindu Dara Singh and Shahbazz Khan. The music composition of Maruti Mera Dosst is by Kartik Shah. Five power-packed songs by Kailash Kher, Kay Kay, Hariharan, Shreya Ghoshal and Chandrachud Singh highlight the film.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
winning any team is an entire team effort say's Preity

Preity Zinta’s King XI Punjab is on a roll after winning two back to back matches. Preity is apparently very happy with her team’s tremendous performance as they came back and made a strong statement to all the other teams. A close friend of Preity reveals, “Preity always feels that winning any team is an entire team effort and she is very proud of her team for having put on winning efforts.
As for any team it is important to have confident to win the game.
Preity further says that she is proud to own such a team that strongly believes in a true sportsman spirit. “Preity has been the backbone of her team. Being the leader of the team Preity wants the full constant backup to her team. She wants her team to get that encouraging force and cheers behind their hard work. Preity very much wants her team to be the best performing team in the series and also to achieve their target. To Preity “Greater the difficulty, Sweeter the victory”, and that is the message Preity is giving out to her team.” Preity on a high:
Rock On Chotte Nawab

Everyone knows about the star actor Saif Ali Khan but no one knows about the star actor turned producer. When asked about the new turned producer Saif Ali Khan, his crew member’s were quick to respond positively in favour of the Nawab. The crew members were very happy that they were working under a stress free Producer. The crew members were quick to say, “That Saif is the best producer they have worked so far” There is no hassle and the environment is pretty relaxed when Saif is on the set says another crew member. Overall it seems like the whole cast and crew is having a party on the sets. Rock On Chotte Nawab the new Producer on the block.